Maddie is currently working as a Senior Consultant for a healthcare auditing company. She has been a company dancer and member of DanceWorks Boston since 2019. This will be her second season choreographing for DWB.

Maddie grew up in Central Massachusetts and started dancing when she was a toddler. She danced at Diane Kelley Dance Studio as a competition dancer until graduating high school. Maddie graduated from Northeastern University with her Bachelors in Health Science and Masters of Public Health. She was a part of the Northeastern University Dance Team and served as captain during her final year. She attended many competitions such as NDA Nationals, participated in dance conventions, and traveled to NYC for a Rockette Summer Intensive. Maddie currently works part-time at Shooting Stars Performing Arts where she has had experience choreographing hip hop.

In addition to dancing, in her free time, Maddie loves to read, lifting weights, and trying (mostly failing) gluten-free recipes!