A Day in the Life: Dancer Auditions
Due to the expected storm, the Department of Education has canceled all activities on Sunday, which impacts our space rental with Brighton High School. But the show must go on! In the spirit of DWB Core value #5, Be respectful, flexible, helpful & professional, Dancer Auditions have been rescheduled to:
**Saturday, February 8th, from 1:00 PM - 10:30 PM**
Welcome to audition day! The next dancer auditions are SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2025, and will be taking place at Brighton High School (25 Warren Street, Brighton, MA please note alternate location). When you arrive at 1:00PM, please follow signs to the gymnasium to receive your:
Audition Number & Dancer Pref Form
Take your audition photo
Your Dancer Registration Form must be completed online ASAP
DEADLINE TO REGISTER: February 7, at 12:00 noon!
Please make sure to complete the form online by the deadline, Friday, February 7th, 12:00pm. *your audition number will be pre-assigned to make check-in go faster. You will receive a confirmation email the day prior to dancer auditions with which line to stand in to pick up your Audition Number. Have your photo ID ready to allow our volunteers to easily find your name & get your audition number and headshot.
The earlier you register - the better!
If you didn't pay the $50 Registration Fee online in advance, it can be accepted in person at Dancer Auditions (cash only, if paying the day of auditions).
Now is your chance to meet new dancers, introduce yourself to the Director & Choreographers, and warm up a bit until the Choreographer Showcase begins.
T Green Line: B to Warren Street
57 bus (Cambridge St @ Dustin St)*
Street parking along Warren Street
Limited school parking spots also available
The SCHEDULE OF EVENTS for the day will be updated on the Facebook Event page [HERE]. Click going to get notifications/updates. Once you are done with your final audition for the day, you can hand in your forms and leave.
Choreographer Showcase
The Choreographer Showcase is an opportunity for dancers to preview all of the dances in the rehearsal schedule before selecting which pieces they would like to audition for. Each choreographer will have 2-3 minutes to take the floor, introduce himself/herself, describe their piece, and perform a short sample of choreography from their dance. This allows dancers to better understand each choreographers' style, ask questions, and decide whether or not they would like to register for that particular dance.
*Please note, DanceWorks Boston is designed for advanced & technically trained dancers. While dancers are always encouraged to challenge themselves, dancers should not register for a piece that is above their performance level. Please be courteous of this statement before committing to the season.
Directly following the showcase, dancers will prep for their first audition!
Review the Dancer Audition Checklist to come prepared for audition day!
Dancer Auditions
Each piece on the Rehearsal Schedule requires an audition. The audition format is explained below.
Each choreographer has been categorized by genre. A few counts of 8 will be taught by ONE or TWO choreographers specific to this style of dance. You will learn this choreography in large groups. After 20 minutes, you'll learn the other combo. After another 20 minutes, the group will practice & review before splitting up into your smaller audition groups of 8-10 dancers.
Before each group audition, a choreographers name will be stated. If you’d like to audition for their dance, you will raise your hand for that choreographer. Your audition number will be written down by that choreographer. Your group will then perform the dance combos you were just taught. In some cases, auditions may include a freestyle or improv section at the end to showcase specific skills: turns, leaps, style, performance.
The choreographers teaching the dance combos will be announced at auditions.
Each dancer will fill out an Online Dancer Pref Form at the end of auditions ranking each dance they auditioned for from favorite to least favorite.
There is a 4 DANCE MAX per dancer and a 5 DANCE MAX per choreographer. *If Applicable, the Celtics dance is a bonus 5th dance (if this is an option, dancers - including choreographers - cannot be cast in more than 5 pieces).
Choreographers must cast a minimum of 16 dancers in their dance.
If a dance does not reach 16 dancers after auditions, it will turn into an Open Registration Piece. Dancers must be advanced & technically trained in order to register for the piece. Open Registration will remain open for 24 hours after Audition Results are released. Once closed, dancers will be cast in open dances based on a waitlisted lottery format until full. Discretion is based on Choreographer and/or Director.
You will be notified over email if you’re cast in a Open Registration Piece after dancer audition results are released.
Waitlisted dancers might get into the piece if other dancers drop.
Cannot attend auditions?
Attending auditions in person is highly recommended; however, if you have an emergency or conflict and cannot attend Dancer Auditions but would still like to be considered, email director@danceworksboston.com with a video audition (as soon as possible and ideally the week prior to auditions). Please include the following in your video audition:
Describe your previous dance training & experience;
Include links to videos of previous dance performances you've been featured in (please point yourself out in these videos & send links only or a dropbox file sharing links - attachments will not be accepted).
Once your email is received, the Director will provide you with a link to the electronic Dancer Audition Form and assign you a video audition number. Please complete the electronic Dancer Audition Form by inputting your video audition number and selecting the name of the piece(s) you are interested in auditioning for in order of preference (favorite to least favorite); and the preferred max # of dances (max being 4) AND preferred max # of nights per week. Please complete your Dancer Audition Form asap to give choreographers time to review your videos and ask any questions to you prior to audition day.
Dancers missing auditions should also complete the online Dancer Registration Form & $50 Registration Fee by/before February 7. Choreographers will not be able to consider you for their piece unless your registration has been received in advance. While we offer this option to those with scheduling conflicts, it is highly encouraged to attend Dancer Auditions.
It’s a fun & full day of dancing! Please bring lots of water, snacks, and a positive attitude to meet new people & perform your best.
DWB Love.
Once you're done with your final audition for the day, and have handed in your physical and eDancer Audition Form, you can leave.
Arrive on time at 9:00am for check in.
The Choreographer Showcase will start promptly at 9:30am.
Review the audition checklist to come prepared and bring extra water/snacks & a pen to fill out your form and for scrap notes!